A river of viscous red waterfalls to an ocean of blue, green, red, and white with specks of yellow and fiery orange making themselves known. As the river runs out the red mixes into the ocean of colors with long tendrils that seemed to be reaching out into a void, this being where the colors…
Category: Short fiction
A Speck of Paint
The Anger of Old Man McKinsy
by Zachary Robert Long (2687 words, estimated reading time: 15 minutes)
The cool breeze carried with it a voice that spoke of regrets. The regret of the sun slowly whittling away the sleek ice. The regret of the rabbit as the wolf takes its life in a quick lunge. And the regret that Ash held for the way his relationship had turned out. Spring was almost…
The Hole in Jacob Roebuck
by Zachary Robert Long (1251 words, estimated reading time: 7 minutes)
Jacob Roebuck looked at the scab on his leg and wondered what it could have come from. He had no recollection of ever hurting his leg, yet on his leg was a blackish-red splotch that meant he must have done just that. He worked at a computer all day and then sat around his apartment…
by Zachary Robert Long (3192 words, estimated reading time: 16 minutes)
32. During certain moments in life, the human brain changes our perception of time. One common example is the feeling that the work day is dragging on, you keep glancing at the clock but that last hour just doesn’t end. Time dilation is often referenced in trip reports on LSD and other psychedelic drugs. It…
The Church of Cleansing
by Zachary Robert Long (1996 words, estimated reading time: 10 minutes)
“And nay, Brothers and Sisters, shall we deny that the time is soon,” the man at the altar roared as he wiped blood from his hands. “For we know the truth. We know what the future holds and we shall be the ones who inherit, for we have seen that truth with our own eyes.”…
The Animals
by Zachary Robert Long (997 words, estimated reading time: 5 minutes)
Their eyes meet from across the room. Amber is saying something, but she doesn’t hear it. She’s already left her seat and is moving across the room with her glass in hand. Amber looks angry until she shakes the glass and points back with two fingers. Now Amber is happy, pacified by her favorite treat….
Stone Moon
by Zachary Robert Long (247 words, estimated reading time: 1 minute)
You’re standing at the foot of a grand cathedral whose spires reach into the heavens themselves when out of the doors that are easily twice your height comes the guide you’ve been waiting for dressed like Jack The Ripper was torn out of the Victorian era and caught up in the grunge movement. Glancing around…
More Precious Than Jewels
by Zachary Robert Long (1669 words, estimated reading time: 7 minutes)
For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.’ – Matthew 15:4 The darkness hung around the car like a death shroud. The headlights could barely cut through the fog rolling in from the eastern river that circumvented the small town they were…
The Swing
by Zachary Robert Long (1639 words, estimated reading time: 7 minutes)
Joey was out of his desk and pulling open the classroom door before the bell rang for the second time. He was the first kid in the hall, rushing headlong down it’s length towards the double doors that screamed freedom. “No running in the halls!” Mrs. Lightfoot called out after him in vain. They both…
The Kid and the Cat
by Zachary Robert Long (2581 words, estimated reading time: 12 minutes)
He had read an article about it once. Guy’s alone at his parent’s place with the family cat while they go shopping. Thinks what the hell and sees for himself why they call it pussy. Family comes home to find the cat with a wrecked asshole and…end of story. Good for a couple laughs, maybe…