You’re standing at the foot of a grand cathedral whose spires reach into the heavens themselves when out of the doors that are easily twice your height comes the guide you’ve been waiting for dressed like Jack The Ripper was torn out of the Victorian era and caught up in the grunge movement. Glancing around…
Author: Zack Long
Stone Moon
The Jonestown Massacre (Cut-up)
by Zachary Robert Long (579 words, estimated reading time: 3 minutes)
THE JONESTOWN MASSACRE Let’s just be done with the agony of it – this revolutionary paranoia as autumn turned to winter in the year of 1978. In November 1978, the Californian congressman, Leo J Ryan, such a finale begins in the Deep South of America with the life of for help to leave Jonestown and…
More Precious Than Jewels
by Zachary Robert Long (1669 words, estimated reading time: 7 minutes)
For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.’ – Matthew 15:4 The darkness hung around the car like a death shroud. The headlights could barely cut through the fog rolling in from the eastern river that circumvented the small town they were…
The Swing
by Zachary Robert Long (1639 words, estimated reading time: 7 minutes)
Joey was out of his desk and pulling open the classroom door before the bell rang for the second time. He was the first kid in the hall, rushing headlong down it’s length towards the double doors that screamed freedom. “No running in the halls!” Mrs. Lightfoot called out after him in vain. They both…
The Kid and the Cat
by Zachary Robert Long (2581 words, estimated reading time: 12 minutes)
He had read an article about it once. Guy’s alone at his parent’s place with the family cat while they go shopping. Thinks what the hell and sees for himself why they call it pussy. Family comes home to find the cat with a wrecked asshole and…end of story. Good for a couple laughs, maybe…